Saturday, 8 March 2008

Bongawan's famous "Lamban"

Well...every now and then our neighbour which is aunty Marina who also happens to be mom's ex workmate when she was still working ans she hails from Bongawan and therefore she is an expert in making this glutoneous sticky rice called "Lamban" and to eat with the satay sauce (Peanut sauce) Anyhow...i was so delighted when we were given a tray of this "Lamban" as im a "Lamban" junkie eversince i was a little girl. Back then i use to eat it just like that without the sauce coz it was a bit spicey. BUT NOW...the peanut/satay sauce is a MUST! and its sooo scrumptiously glutaneously yummiest! heheheh

Well i just let the pictures tell the story coz i dont know how to make them realy..i only expertly know how to eat them :) yummy yumm indeed :)

The deadly duo!

The finger licking yummiest Lamban over Satay Sauce


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