Monday, 26 November 2007

Rendevouz With Ridz1 at Secret Recipe :)

ONE FINE DAY,Our dear friend RIDZ1 decided to finally make it a reality and make it happen and Belanja Me (My Lady) and Ms. Danne and since we are kinda celebrating our friendship as well as birthdays and just being us all in one celebration and what more appropriate place then to have it @ Secret Recipe where all of us can have our own cake to celebrate our own birthdays for the whole year hehehehe :)
And you know...all three of us may have different age range but we all have one thing in common ....
All of us being ex- Uitm students :) How bizzare is that hehehe!

Smileys before and after the perut dah kenyang session :)

This is what we had..yummmmm...meeee :)

Ok i just have to post this coz its the pride and joy for Ridz1 and also it was my ride home for the night and it's a Wow effect indeed! It's Red and it Hot and its REDRIDZ! hehehe :)

Last but not the least....Ridz1, Thank you soooo much for making it a blast of a day! and remember PDA Phone NExt! hehehe

Reminising day!


1 comment:

Alys said...

Darn!! I just HAD to read this right before my lunchbreak??!!! arrgghhh.....yumm!