Wednesday, 2 July 2008

The Jambus meet again :)

It was great to see the "Jambu Girls" again aftar a long pause, and i took this opportunity to get together with it's members just like old times and it was a great and wonderful time indeed ;)

We choose OLD TOWN, White Coffee retaurant as our venue for our small gathering as some members werent able to come :) But anyhow... theres always tomorrow :)

L-R: Moriena, chicky Egg & me

moriena peneng kepala....

what to choose ahh??

me & Junie

my fav food again " Nasi Lemak"

"Mut - Teh"

L-R: Diphnie, me & Junie

Chicky Egg, Diphnie & me

"The Jambus"

L-R : Dipnie, me, Junie, Moriena, chicky Egg & Amey

Love always,

1 comment:

NorthBorneoGirl said...

looking good ladies! ;) nasi lemak! I LOVE it! wishing I was back home ..