Tuesday, 26 January 2010

DAY 26 - Just another day....in colourful Luanda :)

I like that people in Angola they are not afraid of adding colours to their way of living and certainly , the more colours you have the more contrast you are to the rest of the people who are just wearing grey, white, black or just plain stripes! And this also means business will be good when people see colours and surely you will stand out from the rest and you will get more people to buy from you :)

This is the socks seller man, he usually hangs about closeby my street to sell socks, multy coloured socks and to show how commited he i s to his business he wears them socks too with his japanese sleepers :) he is quite an amusing chap! He's got all the rainbow colours on him and surely he have all the colours for the socks he is selling too :)

And this lady tops it all. She was carrying those mineral bottles on her head and wearing an Angolan flag dress! She certainly get noticed this time!
Reminds me of Sudirman who wore a malaysian flag inspired suit during his performance. same concept but different purpose :)

Ah well, seeing all these colours and characters just made me smile and thinking they are beautiful all of them :)

À bientôt

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