Friday 20 March 2009

Lamb of the day! :)

on most days like today where the sun is shining and the tempreture went up as high as 17 to 18°C what better to do then just go out and enjoy the warm spring in the air weather so... maman and myself make a point to walk pass through a small Lamb farm and look who made a very loud ambehhhhhhh.....sound heheh :)

One of them is the curious one :)

here is the curious one that followed us from left to right hehehe

so cute :) i like "it" too :) ambehhhhhh!!!

The mama lamb eating like theres no tomorrow hehehe

the curious one getting ever so curious of the camera and decided to stick its nose out of the fence to touch the camera :)

Enjoy the video and the pics everyone!

À bientô,



Alys said...

Cilla....tell Milly to "look" into the tiny lamb's eyes and ask herself...think it'll taste good with thousand island dressing??!! hahaha

ClarityDefinesYou said...

ha ha ha ha saya mau mati ketawa sini bah liss hahaha nanti june she comes for a visit tiada sudah tuh lamb i know where it went to hahahahah :D

the vixen said...

sial korang! sia baru mau makan lamb bisuk!

i aint visitin any farm im tellin you now!