2nd part of the wedding was a dream like for me, it was dreamy and yet it was fast to reach to the final purpose of this occasion. The pictures below tells much of the story for me :)

And thanks to Jean Mi for this lovely snap of my brother and his family just before the ceremony begins..

And i soooooooooo love this picture! My cousin Alan was trying to console little Triny that it wont be too long now...look at them tiny hands on her daddy's shoulder.....cayanggg tuh Triny :)

Another funny moment with my fantabulous bridesmaid Daphne perhaps it was my ever so famous lashes again :)

But the joy of me watching all of them in their dresses and pappilions is doubled because those dresses are quite meaningful to me because they were made by my own best friend from my childhood days and that person is Mazura Othman. Through out the process we only just communicate through emails for exchanging details on the girls measurements and along with it a photograph of the girls. So to my dearest bestest friend Zura, oyur simply amazing and your work is superb! thank you once again best of luck to your sew cute

The Triple Ds hehehe

And looking on at the far right foreground of this pic is the one and only my childhood bestfriend Sharilyn somewhere out there is Zulee too :)

Azizah and her ever so composed post, just like her dearest mummy who is my best friend since childhood and to have her daughter as one of my flower girls is just one of my happiest moments. To Syedatul and Hubby Roslan thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to steal azizah for my speacial day. Thank you both!

Here are my troops!
Elegant and beautiful just as i imagined them would be!
Thank you very much my little ones and for Marine & Hannie for being the big girls in charge that day merci and thank you and as for Coline, Trinity, Azizah and Rozanne thank you for being beautiful on that day emmuahhh to all of you fairy flowers!
And as for the boys, Bubu, Fizie, Didie, Syafiq , Baptiste and Severin, you guys rock!!

as mon coeur always say...ho ho ho, the troops is finally here...perhaps he is nervous but by the look on his face i dont think so, thats my darling mon coeur always cool and smiling all the time :)

Mon coeur loves this photo very much because he said he can see both my parents are happy to give me away to him for mon coeur felt very good and nice feelings about it :)

It wouldnt be Raymond & Priscilla if we didnt make anybody laugh on our big day....its a sure thing! Obligatoire say Mon coeur :))

Mon coeur trying to balance his broken spectacles hehehe..poor mon coeur but managed to smile at the same time not nervous at all and for that matter...for him to make another mistake as to say his name instead of my name :))
Je t'aime mon coeur!

ANd too all that excitement raymond making the mistake alone is not fair right? so the next blunder was mine :> i put the ring on the wrong hand!! :))

We have another suprise for the ceremony when Jean Mi's son Clemont, presented us with his beautiful composition playing his clarinet to us while we make our way to signing the Marriage Certificate. Merci Beaucoup Clemont!

To all our witnesses, Robert, Jean Luc, Severeno and Clare, Thank you & Merci Beaucoup for helping us make our speacial day a remarkable day together. thank you!

And here is my Handsome cousin Ben Nair who managed to add more love to the ceremony with his presence, thank you so much cuz! emmuah!!

This was my title of my blog and i must say i have found my happiness and so the story goes and off we go to the time of our life together.
To everyone, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts near or far, all of you are much loved by us!

As usual, i have my favourite picture to pick and i pick this picture because i cant imagine i can have all of my best friends together like this as shown in this picture i have each and everyone of them together on my big day and that is the greatest and biggest gift of all, to my friends who have been with me through out all our lives together near or far, lets hope our friendship never ends and that it will continue to grow until the end of time...
Thank you for your love and thank you for your friendship
Love, Peace and harmony from both of us
Clarity & Mon coeur
Speacial thanks to
Contributing photographers namely:
Benny Liew
Jean Mi